Wednesday, January 8, 2014

obamacare and peacocks, works in progress

trying to deal with adult life is sort of beyond me. i keep trying, i have kids which of course makes you need to be more effective and efficient since you are responsible... but it is taking its toll. 
our health insurance plan was cancelled. not really completely, because, most importantly our kids are covered in one of three ways. 
the eldest has her health care coverage through her university. as of monday, she began her latest co-op as an employee of the state of Massachusetts. so she is covered. 
the monkey in the middle has under complete strain and stress of my nagging, filled out his on-line application for 'OBAMACARE'. so for the first time in 3 years he is the subscriptor of a brand new health plan. 
the last of the lot is covered under the plan my husband and i had until this week. 

i spent my afternoon at a place i refer to as hell on earth. a division of governmental offices. it is always filled to the brim with people, children, and time to be spent awaiting some kind of answers to questions you don't know how to ask or what they ought to be about. there is nothing but grime in that place and although my own home could do with some significant cleaning up, my tendencies took over. i wanted to clean and oil hinges and offer tissue to runny nosed kids and pass out snacks to folks waiting for too long and generally ubermommy the situation. 
reality is present, when you remember that you just had to empty your pockets and put them through a screening thing as well as walk through a metal detecting gate. 

yup. reality. 
after it is all said and done... i need to sign up for obamacare for me and the hubs. this would be ok, but i tried to read the website where you are supposed to sign up. i cannot for the life of me figure out how on earth to even find the stupid thing.  also, my son who is brilliant with this stuff, may or may not be talking to me right now. 
we are in the beginning to middle dance steps of his acquiring his first car. it is a good idea for him to have a car, but he is not all that able to handle the precursors to having that responsibility. so i am stuck between a rock and a hard place with getting his assistance. 

so now i have lobbed this back to hubs. i think he may be able to identify what plan would work for our financial state. however, i remain in doubt. the entire reason i went to the office to gain some traction on this problem, was that we were sent a letter saying that our coverage was to end by a january date... it was a long paragraph and in bold lettering. 
underneath that was a second paragraph stating if you didn't want to change anything, nothing should be done to make any changes. kind of circuitous. 
way back in the day, we used to say,"if in doubt, read the bold print".  how the obvious was totally missed is just symptomatic of our head in the sand philosophy. 

i need some improvement in this cause it is not good in this day and age to be uninsured. i love that there is an option for having it for everyone, but what i do not understand is why folks that implement and design these systems for regular americans, do not have to live with this kind of care themselves. they have superior coverage, and i dare estimate, it is provided by tax payers paying their taxes. 
just a small 

as for currently attempted design efforts, i was asked a long time ago to create a peacock inspired necklace. i took my sweet time about it. it just did not leap into my mind's eyes as a form. it has been overdue for way too long a time and is for that alone, totally embarrassing to work on now. so i made a stab at it. i posted the pics on line to see what the sense of its viability were. it was well received. unfortunately, it was totally wrong as directions go. so now i have started to rebuild it from the ground up. this means fresh chains and more beads. no crisis there. this place is crammed full of little things with a hole through them. 

here are some real peacock feather examples... 

here is my take on what would be suitable as a peacock inspired necklace,
 that is if i had listened to my client...

now having seen the error of my ways...
 i am going in a totally different direction.
 i asked the very patient lady waiting for me to create for her
 and once again, I did NOT read the bold print

so i am restarting this crazy project and moving the peacock element over to the new construction. 
let's just say, i am gonna put the bird on it. and yeah, i went there. 

so now i need to get my act together, 
suck up to my son for help in applying to the healthcare website that i do not understand
and will need a law degree to get some basic stuff figured out.
all in order to make it understandable to my easily frustrated husband. 
and maybe if there is a harmonic convergence of the planets, we will be able to get coverage 
before our meds run out. 
if that happens, we will not be able to see the forest for the trees. 
sigh. sigh. sigh. 

see you later alligators!

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